St. Patrick's Day is a fun opportunity to take a little side jaunt from our normal history studies. This week, we've been reading about St. Patrick of Ireland, and I thought I'd share some of our favorite books to that end. Sometimes one is overwhelmed with silly, stereotypical representations of Patrick, but these are excellent sources for a mini-study using living books.
by Tomie dePaola
I love this storybook version of St. Patrick's life. Lovely illustrations, concise prose, and a clear distinction made between the historical life of Patrick and the legends that have been associated with him make for a great introduction to Ireland's beloved patron saint.
by Cornelia Lehn
St. Patrick's story is among many tales of missionaries in this compilation of stories. About a five minute read aloud, I like reading this story as well because it emphasizes a bit more about Patrick's Roman background and fleshes out the circumstances like his pirate capture vividly (although it might be a little much for very sensitive young children - please pre-read).

Saint Fiech, Bishop of Sletty
This roughly 10 page poem describing Patrick's life and and work is an original source of many of the stories we know hear of St. Patrick. The Irish, English, and Latin versions are all included. Being available free on kindle is an added bonus!